14th June travel restriction extended based on wrong figures submitted on Covid deaths


The submission of wrong figures pertaining to Covid-related deaths had led the Government to extend the islandwide travel restriction imposed in Sri Lanka, from the 14th to the 21st of June. 

The President’s Media Division (PMD) said the travel restriction had been extended after it received information that 101 Covid-related deaths had been reported on the 11th of June.

However, reviews conducted by the Health Ministry and National Intelligence Unit on the cause of death had found that deaths that had occurred over a period of four months, from the 06th of February to the 11th of June, had been included in the death toll. 

It was also found that certain death certificates had been issued twice, while only 15 Covid-related deaths had occurred on the 11th of June, and not 101 as reported earlier. 

The PMD said after being briefed by the Health Ministry and the Intelligence Unit in this regard, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had emphasized the need for efficient and accurate collection of data to make the right decisions pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Meanwhile, a decision has been taken to conduct the final rites of individuals who have died due to non-Covid related causes to take place within 24-hours of their demise. 

Issuing a statement, the PMD said complaints have been received from families highlighting the delay in conducting funerals due to a delay in conducting PCR tests and the submission of test results.  

The families have also pointed out the mental trauma and economic hardships faced due to this situation.

The PMD said taking into consideration these factors, it has been decided to conduct the final rites of individuals who have died due to non-Covid related causes within 24-hours of their demise. (NewsWire)

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