WhatsApp has been on a roll in the past few months. The company has added several much-requested features like the ability to edit sent messages, send HD images, and more to the stable version of the app. All of these features are now available on both WhatsApp for iOS and Android. Here are the top four new WhatsApp features that you must try.
- Edit sent messages and captions
WhatsApp now allows you to edit a message that you’ve already sent. This includes a text message as well as captions for media like photos and videos. After sending a message you get a window of 15 minutes to edit it.
To edit a sent message, tap and hold the message you need to edit > A popup with options will appear > Tap on the “Edit” button and it will give you the text box to type again. Ad the required correction and send.
- Create a group without entering a name on WhatsApp
Earlier this week, Meta CEO announced that you can now create groups without entering a name. As per the company, this feature will come in use when you need to create a group urgently but don’t have a specific topic in mind. This doesn’t mean that the group won’t have a name.
These unnamed groups with up to six participants will be dynamically named based on who is in the group. For instance, if you have Harry and Ron in a group, WhatsApp will show “Harry and Ron” as the group name. It will appear different to different users based on the contact names on their phones.
- Use WhatsApp as Zoom with share screen
You can now share your screen on WhatsApp video calls – much like Zoom. It doesn’t matter if you are calling from Android to Android or Android to iPhone and vice versa, the feature can be used no matter what platform you are using to access WhatsApp.
To share your WhatsApp screen, you need to start a video call and tap on the “Share” icon that can be found at the bottom of the screen. You need to give the app permission to record your session if you want to do that.
- Send HD photos and videos
WhatsApp recently rolled out the ability to send HD photos on Android and iOS. Earlier, you needed to send photos as a document to send full-res images but not anymore. This past week, the company also rolled out a feature that lets you send HD videos.
To send HD photos and videos, you need to open the chat > Tap on the attachment icon > Select the photos you need to send > Tap on the “HD” button and send. The same process has to be followed if you want to send a video in HD on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has been pretty active over the past few months in adding features to its stable app. The company is said to soon rollout the ability to have user handles on the app – like you have on Facebook and Instagram. (Forbes)