Gnana Akka, in an exclusive interview with Kumudini Hettiarachchi of Sunday Times denies wielding powers over President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and other VIPs and says all that she built up through her own sweat, toil and tears now lies ruined after mobs attacked her home on May 9.
Speaking during the interview Gnana Akka has denied giving instructions to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on ruling the country.
“Gnana says no political issues are discussed with the President; it is all personal matters. But then, isn’t a lot of personal matters of an Executive President, also political matters? Pressed for an answer to clear the air about her role, Gnana then says that ‘Gnana the individual’ cannot remember the blessings and guidance given to the President or anyone else in the kutiya (her room) by ‘Gnana the meniyo’.
“Meniyo wenai, mama wenai”, she goes to explain; The one with psychic powers is meniyo and is different from the individual, me though they are one and the same person.” The Sunday Times newspaper reported added.