A popular lecturer and activist Upul Shantha Sannasgala and Srinath Chathuranga have been granted bail in connection with the alleged printing and distribution of a book titled ‘Budunge Rasthiyaduwa’.
Colombo Chief Magistrate Nandana Amarasinghe today released the two men on sureties of Rs. 50,000 each.
Upul Shantha Sannasgala and Srinath Chathuranga had appeared in court yesterday as per the summons issued on 29th April 2022.
The Colombo Chief Magistrate had issued an order for investigations to be conducted into the matter, obtain the advice of the Attorney General, and thereafter report facts to the court again.
Taking into consideration the report today, the court has postponed further magisterial examinations into the incident until the 09th of September 2022.
Police investigations had begun into the incident after a complaint was lodged on 20th August 2018, by MP Wijayadasa Rajapaksa, alleging that the contents of this book had insulted the Buddha and Buddhism in a very contemptuous manner. (NewsWire)