Legendary boxer Mike Tyson is making his debut in Bollywood, featuring in an upcoming Indian sports action film “Liger.”
The participation of the former professional boxer, known as “the baddest man on the planet,” was announced in a tweet by Karan Johar, one of the film’s producers. It also stars Indian actor Vijay Deverakonda, who plays a kickboxer with a stutter, local media has reported.
For the first time ever, the king of the ring will be seen on the big screens of Indian cinema! Welcoming @MikeTyson to the #LIGER team! #NamasteTyson@TheDeverakonda @ananyapandayy #PuriJagannadh @charmmeofficial @apoorvamehta18 @RonitBoseRoy @meramyakrishnan @iamVishuReddy pic.twitter.com/pl5AnUSB35
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) September 27, 2021