Talipot Palm Trees are a Good Source of Money for Villagers- Cambodia

Villagers in local communities in Preah Vihear province rely on manufacturing and recycling Talipot palm wood for making their own living, instead of leaving their towns to work in other fields. Residents are generally pleased as more Talipot palm trees are being planted. Moreover, they illustrated their intentions to plant more so coming generations would follow their suit.

Interview with Mr. Meas Hoeur (Cheif of the Communities): Before we were ever introduced to talipot palm wood recycling, we used to work in rice fields or farms. After harvest, we start looking for another job far from home. However, we don’t go far from home anymore because we learned the mechanism of recycling talipot palm wood as such business is way more rewarding than assuming another job in remote areas.The original name of this tree was Kcheng and it belongs to the palm family. We obtain the wood from both sides of the talipot palm branch (the Petiole and the leaf). Talipot palm can give us up to 10 – 20 branches. Back in the old days, we had no clue about the great value of the talipot palm. We used to cut those palms down because extracting some parts of the tree necessitates a lot of effort.When we compare the wooden part in the palm tree with that of the talipot palm, the latter is harder. To get the wooden part from the palm tree we have to cut it off, so it basically dies, but as for the talipot palm we don’t have to cut it down because the wooden part lies on both sides of dry branch. I basically polish the chopsticks for my husband. He usually brings the Talipot palm wood from the forest while I break them down and clean them. In order to make nice chopsticks, we need to cut them off and shape them like a chopstick. we also have to make them similar in size and shape. Unfortunately, my husband’s pieces don’t look like each other, one is big and the other one small. So, I make sure they are all similar. Finally, we polish them and clean them using cooking oil. During which, I always try to make them look neat and more attractive.Nowadays, we have plenty of talipot palms in the forest but I don’t know if they will remain in the future. My team initiated a project to plant more talipot palm trees, so our children would follow our suit. Moreover, we are implementing the project in collaboration with the village officer and NGOs.

Interview with Mr. Seng Sabara (Villager): For years, I worked in preparing rice wine. Currently, I am a talipot palmwood chopsticks maker. My wife is my assistant. When I feel numb, I go for a walk, and then I go back to work. I usually go to the forest by myself to get the talipot palm wood. However, I’m an old man now and I can’t walk for long distances so usually buy palm wood from other villagers.

Source- A24







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