Toxic Chemical slick appears around the damaged container ship

The concerns of the Sri Lankan authorities and citizens are increasing after a large slick surrounding the damaged container ship ” MVXPress Pearl Vessel” in Sri Lanka, has been captured in satellites images and highly circulated in local and international media, the slick is several hundred meters long, and the substance was initially thought to be oil but a statement from the ship’s operator said there were “no confirmed reports of fuel oil pollution, but Srilankan marine biologists statements contradict with the government of Sri Lanka’s (GoSL) statement in this regard. The government also has restricted the investigations under the guise of ‘embedded media’ of the location of where the MVXPress Pearl Vessel wrecked. In the meantime, various kinds of marine creatures such as varieties of Dolphins and Sea turtles, and other marine organisms have been mysteriously washed ashore with eminent Toxic Chemical exposure. It is noteworthy that the ship loaded with chemicals began to sink on June 2 after a fire broke out onboard, and this incident has been described as “the worst marine environmental disaster in Sri Lanka”.

Ranil Nanayakkara – Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Marine Biologist said “As per the information and footages, it does seem to me that there has been an Oil Spillover. When I analyze it seems like chemical pollution since the water resembles a greenish-yellow. Usually, such a hue appears only when there is chemical pollution. Earlier It was revealed to us that it was ‘Nitric Acid’ and it is probable that ‘Nitric Acid’ leakage may cause such a hue to appear in the water. There is another possibility, that when various kinds of chemicals mixed formation of algae plumes. There could have been an imbalance in the algae plumes which are in the sea. We cannot assure 100% that there is an Oil Spill. Since the footage which has been received up to date does not indicate an Oil spillover. Premised on the ‘satellite images’, and other images which I received two days back, does not indicate a possibility of an Oil spillover. There is no Oil spillover at the moment, but we do not know. Only by leakage of a chemical the given hue has appeared in the water. ”

“Usually when there is an Oil spillover, the oil will be seen on the surrounding sea waters. Oil has not been washed ashore as well. If there had been an oil spillover, it definitely would have been washed ashore since the ship was wrecked in very close proximity to the shorelines, since the trends of the ocean current which is prevalent at the moment. It is quite complicated to assess whether there has been an oil spill-over only with the help of satellite images. As per the footage and pictures which were received two days ago, it is evident to me that there is a possibility of a Toxic Chemical leakage. At this moment I am not very sure, but usually, when there is an Oil Spillover, there will be a brownish or black substance that will float on the water surface. To be precise, we have to further investigate to assure what kind of Toxic chemical have been aboard on the MVXPress Pearl Vessel, and what are the chemicals which are leaking currently from the ship. We can only assess the damage to the environment, marine environment, and humans only by identifying the chemicals. For example, we could only assess whether which are been affected area edible only by identifying the Toxic chemical. Without knowing what kinda chemicals are found on the ship, it is difficult for us to predict the Impact. Currently, we are only aware of ‘Nitric Acid’, which might not be very harmful. Usually, Nitric Acid is exposed for two to three days it deteriorates. Further, it does not absorb into the skin of marine life. And will not permeate into the system. As per the marine life, such as varieties of Dolphins and Sea Turtles which have been washed ashore, the presence of Highly Toxic Chemicals is obvious. The impact is definitely due to the presence of a Highly Toxic Chemical. To be aware of this crisis, we have to perform Post-mortems and necropsies, and we have to examine tissue sample to identify the chemicals which are contained in them. When we have the exact facts and figures, we could find a remedy to mitigate and educate people on the adverse effects of handling the contaminated washed ashore creatures.”


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