Four including 2 police officers arrested over Weligama murder after CCTV evidence

Four individuals including 2 police officers have been arrested regarding an incident where a man died after being run over by a bus in Weligama.

This incident which took place on the 17th of May was caught on CCTV camera. However, only the visuals of the bus running over the body of the man lying on the road was released earlier.

New footages have emerged today which shows just a few moments before the incident where another man is seen attacking the victim following which he falls to the ground and lies unconscious briefly before a bus runs over his body.

The footage also reveals two police officers at the scene, riding away in a motorcycle after the man fell on the ground. They also did not take any actions to prevent the assault.

Police spokesman DIG Ajith Rohana said that the two policeman have been arrested as they did not take actions to prevent a crime or did not help the victim.

Previously, family members of the 47-year-old victim had alleged that officers from the Weligama police had assaulted the man and demanded to release the CCTV footage before the bus running over. (NewsWire)

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