Indian pacer, Jasprit Bumrah has tied a knot with model-turned-TV presenter Sanjana Ganesan in Goa. As reported, the ceremony was attended by a limited number of guests. The marriage took place amid a lot of hush-hush and utmost secrecy. The couple was extremely low-key about the marriage and not even their close friends say anything to the media.
Sanjana has been a cricket presenter for Star Sports and other channels. She began her career in the reality show Splitsvilla. She also is a big KKR fan and has also done a show featuring the inside of KKR dressing room.
“Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.”
Steered by love, we have begun a new journey together. Today is one of the happiest days of our lives and we feel blessed to be able to share the news of our wedding and our joy with you.
Jasprit & Sanjana
— Jasprit Bumrah (@Jaspritbumrah93) March 15, 2021