Sri Lanka Police has recorded a statement from a contestant, who appeared on Sirasa TV’s Lakshapathi program, the Sri Lankan version of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’, on Monday (15), with regard to her comments on the destruction caused to the Sinharaja Forest.
“My house is located on the borders of the Sinharaja forest. I am forced to witness the Sinharaja forest being destroyed throughout the day” speaking on the program she said.
“I don’t understand why people are doing such acts. Don’t people have sufficient houses? Destroying the environment is similar to demolishing our homes” she added.
When questioned on where the forest destruction is exactly taking place she responded saying “That is visible when travelling by bus”
Wildlife minister C.B. Ratnayake responded to the views expressed by the contestant during the Lakshapathi programme on Sirasa TV yesterday.
“When we try to intervene and solve those issues, they show us their title deeds. Some deeds show that those lands have been in their possession for a long time. The people with such title deeds have the right to engage in any activity on that land” the Minister said.
“I wish to tell that child that she must speak based on accurate information” he added.