A day after Tamil Nadu film star Vijay Sethupathi pulled out of Muttiah Muralitharan’s biopic titled ‘800’, trolls on social media made distasteful remarks about his family and issued rape threats to his daughter. Tamil Nadu Police has taken cognisance of the matter and initiated action in it.
Twitter user issued the rape threat to his daughter saying the actor would then understand the pain of Eelam Tamils.
Recently, a guy who issued rape threats to cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s daughter was arrested by the cops.
The troll’s tweet went viral on Twitter with several people condemning his behaviour. Many shared the person’s Twitter handle asking everyone to report the tweet and his profile.
Tamil Singer Chinmayi Sripaada took to Twitter to condemn the troll’s behaviour and tagged Chennai Police and Adyar Deputy Commissioner of Police.
Singer Chinmayi Sripaada reported the account to the police and questioned the behaviour of such people.
She shared a screenshot of the troll’s distasteful comment and wrote,
“A Tamil man who expresses his difference of opinion. This is why they stand in support of sexual crimes in the society. Is nobody in this system going to change this? A man who can say in public about raping a child is a criminal.” (Indian Media)