Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa today instructed the Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka (CRIB) to further relax policies in order to ensure the public do not face any inconvenience.
Prime Minister Rajapaksa issued the instruction after State Minister of Finance Ajith Nivad Cabraal highlighted the issues faced by guarantors at the CRIB during a meeting at the Finance Ministry.
The names of individuals who had failed to pay their outstanding loans have been included in the CRIB list leading to the disqualification of their guarantors from obtaining new loans as well, he explained.
Prime Minister Rajapaksa had advised to introduce a suitable concession program for those affected due to this.
He further instructed Heads of State Banks to also relax policies introduced to provide loans to the public facing various economic difficulties.
Prime Minister Rajapaksa ordered State Banks to ensure that individuals arriving to pay outstanding loans or obtain new loans do not face any inconvenience. (NewsWire)