The Galewela Police have launched an investigation into the sudden deaths of 10 dogs, due to suspected poisoning, in the Aluthwewa area in Galewela this morning (24).
Area residents who had found the bodies of the dead dogs in various locations in the area had informed the Police Emergency Hotline of the incident.
The residents have charged owners of a farm in the area for the deaths of the dog.
They said the dogs had visited the farm during night time, as they were attracted to the animals, reared for farm meat, being slaughtered by employees of the farm.
The area residents further accused the farm owners of beating many dogs to death on previous occasions, as well as assaulting persons attempting to file a Police complaint against them.
Owners of the diseased dogs have called on relevant authorities to take necessary action in order to prevent the recurrence of such an incident.
The Galewela Police has requested the owners of the dead dogs to report to the Police Station tomorrow (25) for an inquiry.
Video by Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa