AL exam : PUCSL unveils 4 steps that can be taken to give uninterrupted power

The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has unveiled a 04-point system to provide uninterrupted electricity supply at night during the ongoing 2022 GCE Advanced Level examinations. 

PUCSL Chairman Janaka Ratnayake yesterday assured that electricity will be supplied uninterrupted during the period of the state examination.

He further requested the consumers to use electricity sparingly to help provide uninterrupted electricity during this period. 

The PUCSL has approved power cuts in two slots during the examination period, due to the CEB failing to follow its recommendations and hence failing to provide an uninterrupted power supply.

Janaka Ratnayake said that the PUCSL has initiated a program of electricity demand management to continuously supply electricity during the night until February 17, the day the A/L examination will come to an end.

By implementing the program, the PUCSL is targeting to save 350 MW of electricity while reducing consumption between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm, and will be able to provide continuous power supply at night until the conclusion of the examination, he pointed out.

Thereby, the PUCSL has requested the public, government institutions, and the private sector to take the following measures to reduce power consumption on behalf of the students sitting for the examination.

The four-step proposal of the PUCSL is as follows:

  1. All domestic sector customers can reduce their demand by 50% between 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm to help manage electricity demand.
  2. Private institutions can assist by turning off the lights of their display boards (billboards), name boards, and showrooms between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm.
  3. Switching off street lights between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm by the agencies managing the street lights, including the local authorities.
  4. Power supply from generators and inverters between 7.00 pm and 10.00 pm by consumers who own generators and inverters. (NewsWire)

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