Asia Securities to host 4th Annual Sri Lanka Investment Conference

Asia Securities, Sri Lanka’s leading independent investment banking and wealth management firm, will host its 4th Annual Sri Lanka Investment Conference over three days next week. Titled 2021: The Investors’ Dilemma, the event will explore the outlook for the economic rebound and financial markets next year, in what will surely be a fascinating investing environment. Considering current safety concerns, Asia Securities will deliver the conference virtually with three two-hour sessions which will be livestreamed on December 15th, 16th, and 17th.

Asia Securities Chairman Dumith Fernando, speaking of the conference said, “We continuously try to understand our clients’ biggest concerns. While they look ahead optimistically to a 2021 recovery, there are many unknowns that will affect business and investment decisions.  This year’s Asia Securities Sri Lanka Investment Conference aims to address the dilemmas our clients are grappling with by exploring the root causes of a possible recovery and what global and local indicators they should follow.”

The conference features a list of well-known experts in the areas of fiscal, monetary, socio-economic and health policy, global and local financial markets, and corporate leadership. The Honorable Ajith Nivard Cabraal, Minister of Money & Capital Market and Social Enterprise Reform will deliver a keynote address at the conference and join a panel discussion on the policy and financial sector priorities for a strong 2021 recovery.  Joining him on this panel discussion, and also delivering a keynote address, will be the recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize for peace, Prof. Muhammad Yunus who will speak from Bangladesh. Prof. Yunus is expected to share his thoughts on taking a creative approach to rejuvenate low and middle-income countries in a post-pandemic world.

Two global financial experts will also speak at the conference. Jonathan Wilmot, Founder of WilmotML and former Head of Macro Research and Global Strategist at leading investment bank, Credit Suisse will share his global market outlook. Mr. Wilmot’s opinions are closely followed by leading global investors and he has had a track record of predicting economic recoveries well ahead of market consensus. Mattias Martinsson, Founding Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Tundra Fonder AB, a Swedish-based investment fund will discuss challenges and opportunities in investing in frontier markets.  Mr. Martinsson has for long been an investor in the Sri Lankan stock market.

The biggest “X-factor” for investors next year – the shape of pandemic recovery and its economic implications, will be explored on a panel discussion including Prof. Neelika Malavige, Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Dr. Ravindra Ranna-Eliya, Executive Director of the Institute for Health Policy, and Dr. Dushni Weerakoon, Executive Director of the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka. Prof. Malavige has been involved in various international COVID management initiatives including vaccine development work. Dr. Rannan-Eliya has spoken and published extensively on critical policy matters relating to COVID-19. His recent analysis of what affected COVID-19 spread during the first wave has been published and gaining much interest internationally.  Dr. Weerakoon and her team’s recent work has focused on identifying the nature of the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic in Sri Lanka. She will discuss her views of the critical medium-term economic issues stemming from COVID-19.

Rounding up the sessions will be a presentation of the 2021 Economic and Equity Market Outlook by Asia Securities Research Co-Heads Lakshini Fernando and Naveed Majid. This will coincide with the release of a new research report on the same topic by Asia Securities, the top-ranked Equity Research provider in the country. This will be followed by what should prove to be an insightful panel discussion with the heads of three of the most important listed companies – Krishan Balendra, Chairman of John Keells Holdings PLC, Nanda Fernando, Managing Director of Sampath Bank PLC and Kasturi Chellaraj Wilson, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Hemas Holdings PLC.  Their panel discussion will focus on the business realities and opportunities going into 2021 and should garner much investor interest as the shares of the companies led by them have recently been on the move in the stock market.

Asia Securities is a leading investment firm in Sri Lanka providing Investment Banking, Research, Equities, and Wealth Management services to local and international corporate, institutional, and individual clients. Day 1 and Day 2 are open to the public by prior registration. Day 3 is open to clients only, with limited space for the public. For all registrations, please email [email protected].

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