The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) has commenced an investigation over an alleged fake news linked to Easter Sunday attacks mastermind Zahran Hashim’s wife, Abdul Cader Fathima Hadiya.
Police spokesman, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Ajith Rohana said that some websites and social media had spread fake news regarding a a statement made by Fathima Hadiya to the Presidential Commission investigating the Easter Sunday attacks.
DIG Ajith Rohana said that a complaint had been received over the fake news and an investigation has now been launched.
One website had reported that Fathima Hadiya provided damning evidence regarding the funding for her husband Zahran Hashim’s operation.
The website had published details of the evidence Hadiya had reportedly given the commission.
However, the Police says the website reports are misleading and are an attempt to create a rift between communities in Sri Lanka.
DIG Ajith Rohana said the website reports are also an attempt to mislead the investigations into the Easter Attacks.
He said that evidence from social media including Instagram and information from WhatsApp communications are being collected as part of the investigation into the fake news. (Colombo Gazette)