Credit/Debit card payments in foreign exchange : Statement from Central Bank

(EFTCs) for Payments in Foreign Exchange – Central Bank of Sri Lanka 

It has been brought to the attention of the Central Bank that messages are being circulated stating that credit card, debit card and other stored value card holders are restricted/prohibited from making certain payments in foreign exchange, to persons resident outside Sri Lanka using such cards.

The public is informed that the Central Bank has not introduced any new restrictions on the use of EFTCs, i.e., credit cards, debit cards and other stored value cards, and holders of such cards are permitted to use them to make payments to persons resident outside Sri Lanka in respect of current transactions of personal nature. However, it is observed that some banks have introduced certain limits on use of EFTCs for transactions in foreign exchange to avoid misuse of such cards and to prioritize transactions in line with foreign exchange positions of such banks.

Accordingly, the Central Bank requests the public to contact the respective banks if they encounter any difficulty in making legitimate payments using EFTCs, while using foreign exchange sparingly at present.

FULL Statement

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