Easter attacks : 20 questions to Defence Secretary by Catholic Church

Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church has questioned the country’s Defence Secretary, General (Retired) Kamal Gunaratne on the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks. 

Posing 20- critical questions, Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church has called for answers ahead of the 3rd-anniversary of the attacks, which falls on Thursday, 21st of April. 

The church has questioned what powers the Defence Secretary has to protect political leaders pertaining to the attacks.

Questioning how the allegations of political conspiracy with regard to the attacks have been refuted, the church questioned what investigations have been conducted to refute the allegations and where was the report on the investigation.

The church questioned why the authorities are yet to obtain the assistance of the Secret Services of the Indian Government to find the truth behind the attacks, while they have already reached out to other International Secret Services.

The Defence Secretary was also questioned about his recent press conference, in which video footage of Easter attacks ring leader Zahran Hashim’s video message prior to the attacks was played and cited as the cause for the attacks.

The church said if the video message of Zahran had all the answers to the attacks, what took the Sri Lankan authorities 3 years to announce that that was the truth behind the attacks. 

If Zahran’s video message contains all answers to the attacks, what did the Sri Lankan authorities, including the forces investigate day and night over the last 3 years? the church further inquired. 

Following are the questions posed by Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church to the Defence Secretary, General (Retired) Kamal Gunaratne: 

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