The Sarva-Parshavika Aragalakaruwo movement has filed a complaint with the Criminal Investigations Department to ascertain the truth about the alleged resort owned by Rohitha Rajapaksa.
The Police last week said that four persons were arrested on charges of having set fire to and stealing property from a hotel in Kolonna which reportedly belongs to Rohitha Rajapaksa, the son of former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Referring to the report, Sarva-Parshavika Aragalakaruwo had questioned how Rohitha Rajapaksa can own a hotel without no proper means of income.
Rohitha Rajapaksa has confirmed to News 1st that he owns a partnership property in the area in question, and the hotel was constructed after meeting all the legal requirements.
Rohitha Rajapaksa also said that if any wrongdoing had been committed, a judicial process can be initiated against it.
He also added that those making such allegations must be prepared to face the legal action that his faction will be instituting against them. (NewsWire)