Following the urgent requirement for blood at the National Blood Transfusion Service, JAT Holdings concluded a successful blood donation drive under the theme “Sometimes money cannot save a life, but the blood you donate can!” on the 18th of April 2022. Organised by the Human Resources and Sustainability department, the Blood Donation camp was held at the Sri Sudharshanaramaya Purana Viharaya, Venivelkola. In close locale to JAT’s manufacturing facility in Kahathuduwa, the blood donation camp attracted donors comprising of JAT’s employees and adjacent villagers.
JAT Holdings was able to donate the required amount of blood within 6 hours. Following the success of the camp, JAT hopes to include the importance of a sustained and consistent supply of blood to the National Blood Transfusion Service into its CSV (Corporate Shared Value) framework as an annual event, under the vision of transforming communities through the upliftment of health and wellness of the Sri Lankan community.