An income of over Rs. 100 million has been recorded as above 500,000 vehicles had utilised the Ethugalpura entrance road on the Central Expressway during the first month of its opening, Highways Minister Johnston Fernando said.
The Minister told the media yesterday that over 500,000 vehicles have used the Central Expressways’ second phase from Mirigama to Kurunegala since its opening on Jan 15, this year.
The expressway’s new section was kept open free of charge for the first 12 hours of its opening. Collecting toll started at noon on 16th January.
During the period from 16th January to 21st February 2022, the road had been used by 510,670 vehicles and an income of Rs 109,659,600 has been earned, Minister Fernando said.
Toll collecting Interchanges of the second phase of the Central Expressway have been set up at Mirigama, Nakalagamuwa, Dhambokka, Kurunegala, and Yaggahapitiya. (NewsWire)