In a surprise visit on Monday, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena met with residents of Mandaram Nuwara, a picturesque mountain community in Sri Lanka, and engaged in a candid conversation about their concerns and aspirations for the future of their region.
The unscheduled visit offered residents a direct platform to raise their voices on issues impacting their daily lives, including the lack of critical infrastructure like a children’s playground, reliable drinking water, and proper road facilities, Prime Minister’s office said in a statement.
They further emphasized the need for an economic center to prevent the spoilage of perishable agricultural produce like vegetables before reaching the market.
However, amidst these challenges, the residents’ unwavering commitment to preserving their unique cultural heritage and natural beauty shone through. They passionately urged the Prime Minister to develop tourism in the area without compromising their identity, traditions, and the pristine environment that makes Mandaram Nuwara so special.
Prime Minister Gunawardena, accompanied by Member of Parliament Yadamini Gunawardena, actively listened to the residents’ concerns and assured them of his support in addressing their needs. He acknowledged the importance of preserving the cultural and environmental gems of Mandaram Nuwara while exploring sustainable tourism opportunities that benefit the local community.