Registering houses : Opposition Leader says Police involvement wrong

Opposition Leader MP Sajith Premadasa has also raised concerns over the recent revelation by Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) Leader MP Mano Ganesan on the registration of Tamil households in certain areas by the Police.

Addressing the Parliament on Monday, MP Ganesan questioned why only the Tamil households in the Kirulapone, Wellawatte, Dehiwala, Bambalapitiya, Narahenpita, Kotahena, Mattakkuliya, and Modera Police jurisdictions were being registered.

MP Ganesan further pointed out that the forms presented by the Police officers are only in Sinhala, despite Tamil also being recognised as a national language.

Commenting on MP Mano Ganesan’s concerns, Opposition Leader MP Sajith Premadasa told Parliament yesterday, said that the involvement of the Police for this purpose was wrong.

Acknowledging that there was a system to register households and persons, MP Premadasa said that the process should be conducted through a civil system.

Stating that injustice should not be done by using a police system for this purpose, the Opposition Leader also pointed out that reducing crime was as important as the country’s national security.

He said, however, if any unfair system is being implemented, it was only right for the Public Security Minister to hold a transparent discussion with MP Mano Ganesan on the matter and brief the process.

Pointing out that it was not the duty of the Police to register persons, MP Premadasa added that if the process was being conducted through a civil system only then could it be considered right and democratic. (NewsWire)

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