The only centenarian who had served the 2nd Royal Artillery Regiment in the Royal British Army before 1948 under enlistment No: 410 of the Royal British Army passed away at the age of 102 years at his residence in Ahungalla, Ambalangoda.
The Army Gunner, S. W Gunapala (Retd) who had served the Royal British Army during 20.01.1943-06.02.1945 was the oldest known soldier living in the country, having served the British Army for the above-mentioned period.
The then British Army had conferred appreciative Awards/ Commendations on the late Gunner for his service during that period since he too had served the then Army when the World War 11 was on during 1939-1945. His remains lie at Dahamatissa Mawatha, Ahungalla.
In October last year, he celebrated his 102nd Birthday with family members. (