Opposition Leader MP Sajith Premadasa has donated medical equipment worth Rs. 2,360,000 to the Lunawa Hospital in Moratuwa in memory of the late renowned Sri Lankan singer Sunil Perera.
The donated medical equipment includes a total of 08 Edam Multipara Monitors, which costs Rs. 295,000 per machine.
MP Sajith Premadasa had made the donation in the presence of the Late singer Sunil Perera’s family members and a group of Samagi Jana Balawegay (SJB) MPs, including Eran Wickramaratne.
The donation has been made as part of the 34th phase of the ‘Jana Suwaya’ project launched in parallel to the ‘Vipakshayen Husmak’ program implemented by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya. (NewsWire)