The verdict in the case filed against Former Minister Rishad Bathiudeen and others over the illegal clearing of land near Wilpattu will be delivered by the Court of Appeal on 31 July.
A writ petition was filed by the Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ) calling on the Court to quash the unauthorised construction of a housing project and deforestation of the Wilpattu National Park.
Close to 2,000 hectares adjoining the Wilpattu National Park and 1,000 hectares in the Madu, Periyamadu and Sannara areas have been cleared damaging the environment and wildlife habitats, the CEJ says in its petition.
The CEJ added that former Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen, under the pretext of resettling internally displaced persons, has illegally resettled 1,500 families in the area, and has been instrumental in the deforestation process.
The Conservator General of the Forest Conservation Department, Central Environmental Authority (CEA), Director General of Wildlife Department, Commissioner General of Lands, Commissioner General of Archeological Department, Mannar District Secretary, former Minister Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Environment and Mahaweli Development and the Attorney General have been named as respondents in the writ petition. (Newswire)