Jaffna police have detained nearly 20 people caught without face masks in public yesterday.
The video of Police officers carrying them to a Police bus had gone viral in social media.
“Twenty people arrested today in Jaffna town for violating the Corona Act and without wearing mask. theys released after warning” Journalist Pragas Gnanapragasam tweeted from Jaffna.
யாழ்.நகரில் முகக் கவசம் அணியாதோரை இன்று பொலிஸார் மடக்கிப் பிடித்து தூக்கி சென்றனர்.#COVID19SL #jaffna #StaySafeEveryone #police #srilankanews @KingKuinsan @mithuna_mithu @yogibabu_offl pic.twitter.com/puGcC9NwgY
— Vj✊தரன் (@vijaytharan2) May 5, 2021