WATCH : Rescuers and volunteers are racing to save some 100 pilot whales stranded on Sri Lanka’s western coast

Rescuers and volunteers are racing to save some 100 pilot whales stranded on Sri Lanka’s western coast in the island nation’s biggest-ever mass beaching.

Video Credit – Asha de Vos/Chevaan Daniel.


Why do they strand?

“We don’t fully know. But scientists assume it’s because of their highly social nature. If one animal strays too close to the coastline and gets pushed onto the beach by the waves, there is a high chance the others will follow. Rescuing these animals is not just about rolling them out to sea again. It’s a little more complicated than’s important to reflost the animals as soon as possible and guide them back to deeper waters or they will keep getting pushed back to shore. This causes them to fatigue. If they end up on the beach they must be kept wet (think towels) and their blow holes must not be obstructed.” Sri Lankan Marine Biologist Asha de Vos. had posted in her Facebook.



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