Will there be change in SL exchange rate & Fuel price ?

Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal in an interview with Bloomberg has insisted that the present rate exchange rate in Sri Lanka is fair.

“ I think the rate at which the Sri Lankan rupee is trading today is a fair one. It provides opportunities for all stakeholders and I think sometimes although people look at it from certain angles and they believe that the exchange rate should be different, we, from the Central Bank, take a holistic view and then as a result we are able to it at a reasonably good places so that people will be able to do all their transactions in a fair and a good manner so that we can go forward with greater confidence.” Central Bank Governor said.

Central Bank Governor also said that the Government would be looking at an increase in the fuel prices.

“I think that’s important for us to recognize and we are also doing certain changes in our economy, particularly the fuel prices. Now there is an indication that the government would be looking at an increase in the fuel prices which is what the IMF also would have naturally come up and perhaps advised us to do.” he added. (NewsWire)

WATCH the interview


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